Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ten Biggest Terrorist Attacks In The World

Peshawar Attack is the latest attack by Taliban, one of the most dangerous terrorist org in the world. Here is the list of ten such biggest attack in the history of World Peace.

10: Ma’a lot Massacre Terrorist Attacks

1973 May 15 is the black day in the history of Israil. The only Jewish state in the world underwent huge massacre. 115 pople were taken as hostages by the Liberation of Palestine out of them 25 were killed and 66 were injured. People still mourn in the grief for the saddest incident.

9: TWA Flight 841 Terrorist Attacks

September 8, 1974, the Flight flew as usual from Athens to Rome. The plane crashed into the Lonian Sea as the result of bomb blast in the plane. And the crash was a 100% terrorist bomb blast which belonged to the Abu Nadil Terrorist organisation. Around 80 passengers traveled in this plane and none of them came back safely as they were present lifelessly into the Lonian Sea.

8: Chechnya Border Attacks

March 24, 2001 is the saddest day in Russia. 3 car bombs were blasted in Chechnya, the border of Russia and EU. Both the countries equally shared the killings and faced the doomed consequences. The entire bomb blasts resulted in 20 deaths and 100 injured people.

7: Karachi Bombing

On Oct 18, 2007 the day former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was welcomed home after an 8-year self-imposed exile in Dubai and London. Bombing occured during a motorcade on their way from the airport to the tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. 3 Police vand instantly blasted in air resulting in the death of 139 people, most of whom were members of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

6: SuperFerry 14 Bombings

This is the deadliest terror attack in sea that happened on February 27, 2004 and resulted in the sinking of SuperFerry 14, 90 minutes after it sailed from the port of Manila on its way to Cagayan de Oro City. More than 116 people were killed in this attack Perpetrated by an Islamist terrorist group under influence of Abu Sayyaf. As per investigation a television set with 4 kg of TNT was the cause of the explosion.

5: Baghdad Bombings

5 car bombs were exploded in the city of Baghdad on April 18, 2007. This violence, which targeted the civilians in Shia that was still being rebuilt at that time, was reminiscent of the conflicts before the Iraqi capital was secured. With nearly 200 casualties, it came just as the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced that the Iraqi forces would assume control of the country’s security at the end of the year.

4: Mumbai Taj Attack

26 November 2008 si black day in the history of India. India’s  most famous and royal Hotel group  Hotel Taj Mahal was conquered by terrorist. 64 hours long battle between the Military / police forces and the terrorists brought situation under contorl. Till 100 innocent people who stayed in Taj were shot dead by terrorists.  There were 10 attacks on the same registered in several places of Mumbai on the same day.

3: Yazidi Communities Bombing

On August 14, 2007 Four corresponding suicide bombs exploded in the towns of Yazidi and Jazeera.  More than 796 people were killed and 1, 562 people were injured. The two tons of explosives that the 3 cars and a fuel tanker carried crumbled buildings, trapping everyone beneath, while others wrecked and flattened entire neighborhoods.

2: Peshawar Attack:

7 Pakistani Taliban attacked Army School in Peshawar, Pakistan on 16 December 2014 and killed more than 141 in total, in which 131 are students and teachers leaving hundereds other injured. This school massacre is the most brutal terror attack in school the history of World. The attack was had been targeted in response to military operations by Pakistani Force that killed Talibani terrorist.

1: 9/11 attack (WTC):

With more than 2,993 dead and 8,900 injured, this is the bihggest terror attak in the world. Some videos shows people literally falling of the building. As it is known to all,  these attacks were planned, monitored and executed by the world’s top most terrorist Osama Bin laden. He brought nightmares to all the US public. 2 Jets controlled by Al Queda hit twin Towers in US. Four planes were planned but only two were hit to the twin towers the others missed the target  wherein one out of the other two hit the Washington pentagon and the last one was crashed into the field in Summer set County.

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